“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.
Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged,
For the Lord, your God, will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

With these words, Jehovah God assured us, his faithful worshippers, that we could “be courageous and strong” despite facing challenging circumstances and seemingly overwhelming obstacles. We had no reason to be afraid of the future if we obeyed God’s commands because it would be as if Jehovah were right here with us, helping us to succeed.

 Jehovah’s words continue to be encouraging today. They reveal how much Jehovah cares for all his worshippers, especially when they face challenges. He wants them to be successful, just as Joshua was in the bible! And like Joshua, they can “be courageous and strong” by regularly reading and meditating on God’s Word and the Bible and acting in harmony with its direction.

We read verses like Joshua 1:9 all the time. Many verses talk about being strong. Psalm 73:25-26, “Whom have I in heaven but You? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides You. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”

There is a trend among all these. Not a single verse in the Bible tells us to be strong in ourselves, which is the message you get from stopping after the first phrase in Joshua 1:9. Never are we meant to muster up strength from somewhere deep inside us because we are not strong. Instead, scripture tells us how weak and helpless we are, despite even the most convincing facade of strength we may hide behind. All these verses and more point us to the One who is strong. “Be strong and courageous,” Why? “For the Lord, your God is with you.” And He is stronger than we can imagine.

What does it mean for God to be our strength? First, it means we don’t have to be strong in ourselves, which is encouraging because we can’t be. We don’t have to be strong because He is strong, and He is with us. So Joshua 1:9 is not about us strengthening ourselves in any way. It’s not an action we can do ourselves. Instead, it’s always the Lord who completes the activity.

We are to immerse ourselves in the Word of God, to meditate on the promises of God, to trust in the truth of God's Word, to follow the demands of God that have been given to the Church - in the knowledge that Christ is with us, and His strength is made perfect in our weakness.

The promise that the all-powerful God is our only strength and stay is no less true today than in the days of Joshua. God has promised to be with us in every difficulty we face and every problem that comes our way.

Joshua had to trust the Word of the Lord and act upon it. And we are to trust the Lord, believe in His Word, and stand firm in the faith that was once given to the saints so that we too can "be strong in the Lord and His mighty power... for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go... and His grace is sufficient.


With Gratitude and Blessings, 







That is our mission, which we work to achieve through a holistic approach to child development. We carefully blend physical, social, economic, and spiritual care together…in Jesus' Name.


Child development equips children today with skills to succeed tomorrow. Holistic child development provides opportunities that encourage the healthy development of all aspects of a child — spiritually, physically, socially, emotionally, and even economically — early and throughout life.

Holistic child development means we begin assisting a child in poverty, in some cases, when the child is still in the womb, and it means we go through young adulthood with the child.

Holistic child development requires a long-term approach and goes beyond simple involvement in a child's life. It involves long-term dedication and perseverance and changes as a child’s needs change. Holistic child development is tailored to a child's age, gender, health, culture, and family situation.

Visit www.compassion.com to learn more about how you can help be a part of this cause.

Our Prayer

Loving Father, we praise You for showing Yourself faithful to Your people throughout all generations. Help us to be strong in the Lord, like Joshua. Help us to rely on You in all the problems of life that We may face, knowing that You are with us wherever we go. In Jesus' Name, We Pray, AMEN.


Joshua 1:9 Collection is a brand expression and teaching of God’s word using the gifts of the Holy Spirit. However, Christians not filled by the power of the Holy Spirit may lack the courage to start a conversation about Jesus Christ with strangers. However, with many fashion-conscious people today, we can use our Christian apparel to spark a conversation.

We bring awareness to the culture through faith-based designs. Our clothing is a statement piece. We use it to tell others about ourselves. Clothes say whom we associate with, who we are, and what we believe.

Unknown to many, Christian apparel can open the door to anyone around us to comment on the message we are displaying. It will be easy for Christians to share their faith in God the Father with strangers if our Christian clothing makes the introduction.


Provide well-designed Christian apparel that will grab the attention of a stranger, build curiosity, and spark a question leading to a conversation about Jesus. 

Come as you are, we have decided to use Christian apparel to provoke believers and non-believers to talk about Christ using design which is the best artistic skill. From our experience, anything new makes people ask, and you will have an opportunity to spread the good news of Christ.

For People to first see the outlook of what you are wearing before even seeing the person in that outfit. From the general view of the clothing, judgments and conclusions will arise. As a Christian, train yourself to wear for God’s kingdom. First, however, choose our Christian apparel materials that are classy and trending.

Our Christian apparel will pass the message on if it does not remain in your wardrobe. You need to put it on and walk around boldly and cheerfully. When you are out walking and notice people looking at you, be calm and smile at them. If their attention is on you, that smile, and calmness will prompt them to talk and start a conversation. Then, you can speak of God the Father to them and proclaim “Joshua 1:9” Collection over them.


For you to have a fruitful conversation when people ask about Joshua 1:9 Collection Christian apparel, you must; be bold, sensitive to the Spirit, humbly build a bridge in the conversation, arouse interest in the other person about Christ, reveal sin, and finally explain to them the plan of salvation.

If you want Christian apparels that do introductions leading to conversations about Christ, Joshua 1:9 Collection is the place for you.